Monthly Archive: February 2014


Problem Step Recorder Windows 7

A really cool but seldom talked about feature in Windows 7 is the Problem Step Recorder. The way the tool works is it records your desktop session during the recording period which you start...


Part IV–Deploy Windows 8.1

Part IV – Cost benefit analysis, should you deploy Windows 8.1? Well, we’re here. It’s time to test and pilot a few devices. So far we’ve demo’d a few devices; a Dell Venue 11,...


WSUS – Automatically patch servers

Applying Microsoft security patches to servers can be a tedious and thankless job, especially if you have several hundred servers scattered all over the network. Depending on how large your organization is, this can...


Blogging with Word 2010

Recently I posted an article on how much I liked Windows Live Writer 2012 (WLW). I felt this was probably the best free desktop blog editing software available. Unfortunately, there have been no enhancements...