Author: George Almeida


Download Streaming Videos

If you ever needed to download streaming videos from Internet sites, there is a pretty easy way to do it using VLC Player. VLC Player is free. So you’ll need to download and install...


Malware Lingo and Scams

Microsoft’s Windows 10 desktop operating system is probably the most secure desktop OS the company has ever deployed. And if your company deploys the Enterprise edition of Windows 10 along with BitLocker, Device Guard...


Hidden mailboxes show up in GAL

Ever experience an issue where hidden mailboxes show up in GAL (Global Address List)? In researching this issue, I found others had experienced similar problems. The solution to this issue was simple but I...


Comment form not showing on blog page

Comments are an essential part of a blog for most bloggers. I recently ran into a situation where I wanted the comment form to show at the bottom of a specific page (not post)...


Export Server Manager Settings

Windows Server Manager has come a long way since the Windows Server 2003 days. Personally, I use it all the time to manage hundreds of servers. But what if you changed computers and want...


Test SMTP from server

Ever need a quick and easy way to test SMTP relay from a Windows server? Does this feel familiar? You come into work and before you can grab your much needed cup of caffeine, you...


Thank you for 2016!

As we conclude our third full year after the relaunch of the blog, we are happy to announce that the traffic to this site has increased 179% and has also enjoyed a nice bump in revenue...